Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre > R&D Areas > Call for Proposals
Call for Proposals
Call For Proposals exercise closed on 08 March 2013
The Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies (LSCM R&D Centre) is now inviting applications for research and development projects. In the spirit of revitalizing the LSCM R&D Centre and further stimulate the passion and drive for excellence of the logistics and supply chain arena, we would like to draw your attention to the following fields. We would also like to emphasize the importance of "Industrial implementation and impact" of the R&D proposals as affirmation of our commitment to our Mission.
1.RFID Hardware and Systems
To develop core design capabilities, facilitate system implementation and manufacturing processes of RFID tags and readers that are related to targeted logistics management applications.
Key research areas:
  • Case-level and item-level tagging technologies
  • Novel RFID tag and reader design and manufacturing methods for specific applications
  • RFID benchmarking and testing methodologies
  • Novel applications of RFID system into mobile devices and smartphones
2.Networking and Infrastructure Technologies
To develop advanced computer networking and information infrastructure technologies for industrial adoption in their business processes and for enabling efficient and effective business process integration among enterprises, in order to nurture the technology enabled environment to enhance competitive advantage of the local industry. Particular focus includes cloud computing which is embraced as key component for simplifying IT deployment and facilitating intermodal logistics and cross-enterprise supply chain processes.
Key research areas:
  • Cloud-based technologies for logistics application services
  • Enabling technologies for green logistics and sustainable supply chain management
  • Key issues in supply chain integration
  • Infrastructure technologies for mobile and wireless communications
3.Industrial Segment-Specific Proposal
To reinforce Hong Kong’s position as a world-class logistics hub with advanced technologies in various industrial segments and to assist Hong Kong industries to increase their competitiveness in particular the following area:
  • Cross-boundary logistics
  • Distribution and warehouse
  • Consumer retail
  • Food and beverage
  • Healthcare
4.Internet-of-Things (IoT) Technologies and Applications
Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies were put into the China's 12th Five-Year (2011-15) Plan as one of the strategic emerging industries. IoT is a combination of an information infrastructure and communication networks, device technologies and control systems making use of a range of sensors and RFID tags. In light of such national drive, research and development of various IoT technologies and smart applications is solicited to foster industry adoption and to further modernize the logistics and supply chain industries.
Application Procedures
For application and submission procedures, please click here.
Deadline for Applications
The deadline for application is on 8 March 2013, 5:00 pm (Hong Kong Time).
Contact Persons
Dr. David Leung Ms. Mable Lam
Tel: 2299 0587 Tel: 2255 0851
Fax: 2299 0552 Fax: 2299 0552
E-mail: dleung@lscm.hk E-mail: pmlam@lscm.hk