Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre > R&D Areas > Project Database
Project Database
Project Reference: ITP/045/20LP
Project Title: Next Generation End-to-End Healthcare Community Support System
Hosting Institution: LSCM R&D Centre (LSCM)
Abstract: Every person is unique and in many ways, so are diseases. Tomorrow's healthcare is evolving towards personalized care. Digital revolution provides new technologies to both collect data from each patient and connect it to data from large pools of other patients for analysis. This enables us to arrive at a deeper understanding of how to treat an individual and translate that into personalised and thus improved care for every person. To realise the promise of personalised healthcare, we need collaborations among many
stakeholders, doctors, specialists, pharmaceutical companies and, last but not least, the patient themselves. This project is to build a "Next Generation End-to-end Healthcare
Community Support System (HCSS)," which facilitates a secured and privacy conscious information exchange among the various stakeholders.
The project deliverable will be a secure health care blockchain and data exchange platform to support information exchange among stakeholders with corresponding web interface for gathering different user input and generating output.
Three innovation technologies will be explored (i) a Medical Markup Language (MML) extension specification, which defines the medical data structure using MML; (ii) a Smart Contract Language (MedSC) specification, which defines a language to support medical data workflow and various use cases in healthcare system; (iii) a Transpiler implementation which translates MedSC to blockchain platform-specific smart contract
HCSS will benefit all parties. First, patients can access care services in a more
convenient and efficient manner. They have better access to doctors' advice and up-todate
information from pharmaceutical companies. Second, with access to patients' and doctors' feedback, pharmaceuticals companies through data analysis can share added information on their medicine. Third, doctors can better monitor their patient and provide more personalized care.
Project Coordinator: Dr Chung-Dak Shum
Approved Funding Amount: HK$3.15M
Project Period: 01 Jan 2021 - 30 Jun 2022
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