Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre > R&D Areas > Project Database
Project Database
Project Reference: ITP/067/23LP
Project Title: Voice-Controlled Mobile Manipulator Powered by Large Language Model
Hosting Institution: LSCM R&D Centre (LSCM)
Abstract: The number of the elderly who lives alone in society keeps growing, which leads to an
increasing demand for robots used to care for the elderly. This seed project aims to use
human natural language to control mobile manipulator to complete operations such as
moving and grabbing various kinds of objects, so that traditional robots have the ability to
understand natural language instructions, enhance the control of robots and expand their
usage. The R&D methodology involves the comprehensive application of natural
language processing, computer vision and multi-modal, visual navigation, robot grasping
and other technologies. Human natural language instructions will be understood and
analyzed through large language model, converting them into low-level action instructions
and codes that robots can specifically execute. Computer vision and multi-modal
technology will use vision language models to obtain environmental information such as
object classifications and locations around the robot as external information input to
decompose natural language instructions. Visual navigation is used to identify the spatial
location of target items and guide the robot to the target location. Vision-based robot
grasping is used to locate the target objects and control the manipulator to grasp the
targets. This R&D work can greatly improve the existing control interface of robots,
making them more widely used in home, elderly/disabled care, logistics and other
Project Coordinator: Dr Jun Luo
Approved Funding Amount: HK$ 2.79M
Project Period: 1 Mar 2024 - 31 Aug 2025
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