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Project Database
Project Reference: ITP/046/23LP
Project Title: Personalized Chatbot for Elderly Companions
Hosting Institution: LSCM R&D Centre (LSCM)
Abstract: As people age, they often experience a decrease in social connections, which can lead to
the feeling of loneliness. Chatbots are computer programs that mimic human
conversation. They can offer answer questions and provide information. For elderly
individuals who lack social connections, chatbots can be a valuable source of interaction
and companionship.
However, not all chatbots are effective for elderly users. A personalized chatbot that
caters to the interests and needs of older adults is necessary. For example, a chatbot that
encourages users to share memories of recent events and habits, can be appealing to
elderly. Moreover, if the chatbot can raise topics related to the recent news of the
elderly's family members, it can further attract the elderly to interact with the chatbot.
To create a personalized chatbot that is effective for elderly users, GPT technology can
be utilized. GPT is an AI language model that generates human-like responses to user
input. By using GPT technology, a chatbot can be created that understands natural
language and provides tailored responses to the needs and interests of elderly users.
This can ensure that the chatbot is engaging, effective, and provides a valuable source of
interaction and companionship for elderly who may be struggling with loneliness.
Project Coordinator: Dr Chung Dak Shum
Approved Funding Amount: HK$ 2.78M
Project Period: 29 Dec 2023 - 30 Jun 2025
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