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LSCM Logistics Summit 2018

Themed as “Actions in the Belt and Road Initiative with Innovation and Technology”, the Summit will focus on how innovative technologies create positive change on the industry and capture the opportunities brought by the Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Bay Area development and the Belt and Road Initiative.

The Summit will be officiated by Mr Nicholas YANG, GBS, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, and feature a series of keynote presentations delivered by government officials, iconic industry leaders and professionals on how Hong Kong can make use of its strategic advantage and technological strengths to grasp the opportunities arising from the Belt and Road Initiative.

The Summit will bring together government officials, industry practitioners and representatives from related fields to explore and share inspiring insights in the related topics, form collaboration opportunity and build business network.

In order to enhance business competitiveness and productivity, a series of latest technologies developed by LSCM and trade partners including Heavy Duty Autonomous Guided Vehicles, Ultra-Wideband Technology, Follow me & Platooning Technology, Virtual Reality (VR) Training System, HK-Zhuhai Trade Facilitation Platform and e-Arbitration / Mediation Cloud Services Platform will be showcased at the Summit.

Date: 05 October 2018
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: Hong Kong Science Park
Address: Grand Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Science Park Phase 3, Shatin, New Territories
Organiser: Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Type: Conference , Exhibition , Seminar

Ms Mandy Chan 22550860 / [email protected]

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