Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre > Events & Activities > Trade Events
Trade Events

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Climate Change and My Smart City Exhibition

Together with the Government, the construction industry and innovative entrepreneurs, CIC transformed ZCB into a “Climate Change and My Smart City” Experience Centre. Aligned with the Government’s plan to develop Hong Kong into a smart city, this new Experience Centre features four key themes, namely “Climate Change”, “Smart City & Sustainable Built Environment”, “Smart Living” and “Health & Well-being”. The exhibition applies Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and various gamification features to arouse public interest in smart city, which should be conducive to the development of smart city in Hong Kong.
Date: 09 June 2017 - 29 December 2017
Venue: ZCB
Address: Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay
Organiser: The Construction Industry Council
Supporting Organisation: LSCM R&D Centre
Type: Exhibition

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