物流及供应链多元技术研发中心 > 活动 > 业界活动



CUHK 55th Anniversary AI in Engineering Conference is one of the celebrating activities of CUHK 55th Anniversary. The event aims at bringing up the worldwide insight to Hong Kong industry and at the same time, to showcase the technological achievement and innovation of CUHK and Hong Kong in the past years.             

+ Business
Date:     4 July 2019 Thursday
Time:     12:30-18:00
Venue: Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Conference and Exhibition for Business.

+ Education
Date:     5 July 2019 Friday
Time:     9:00-17:00
Venue: Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Technology Talks, Lab Tours and Exhibition for Secondary School Students and Teachers.

日期: 07月04日 - 07月05日
时间: 09时00分 - 06时00分
地点: 康本国际学术园
主办单位: 香港中文大学
支持机构: 物流及供应链多元技术研发中心
类别: 讨论会
电话: 3943 8221 / 3943 8218
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