物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心 > 活動 > 業界活動


Retail’s Cutting Edge 2019

Retail’s Cutting Edge, organised by Inside Retail Hong Kong, is a full-day immersion on the future of the industry as part of the StartmeupHK festival.
Retail’s Cutting Edge 2019 is designed for retailers, entrepreneurs, innovators, startups and suppliers, featuring experienced retail presenters and emerging players, proven leaders and disruptors.
This is the one Hong Kong retail industry event of the year you will not want to miss. Details: https://live.insideretail.hk/
Original Price: HKD 899
40% off HKD 539.40 - offer Ends 31 DEC, 2018
20% off HKD 719.20 – offer Ends 10, Jan, 2019
[Discount code: LSCMxRCE1001]
日期: 01月23日
時間: 10時00分 - 06時00分
地點: 香港會議展覽中心
詳細地址: 灣仔博覽道一號
主辦單位: Inside Retail Hong Kong
支持機構: 物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心
類別: 討論會

Klarissa Ngo
Ticketing Telephone: +852 93125950
Ticketing Email: [email protected]

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